Ladies of St Mulumba, invites its members to the 46th National Convention....
LSM Nigeria Annual Convention for 2023 Host: Benin Metropolitan Council Location: Warri Dioces...
IJT...we live. Good evening Worthy Sisters. I am directed to inform you about the new date for th...
A successful Celebration of the 70th Anniversary of the Order of the Knights of St. Mulumba
The Central planning Committee of KSM at 70 Anniversary Celebration, is pleased to inform our esteemed Brothers, Sisters and Youths of our Honoured Order that arrangements have been firmed to ensure live streaming of the activities as they unfold at the Catholic Secretariat Durumi-Abuja on Saturday June 17,2023, starting with the Holy Mass at St. Gabriel Chapel by 9 am.
The Order of the Knights of St Mulumba Nigeria was founded on June 14, 1953, with the name "The Order of the Knights of Blessed Mulumba".